Colorful Seed Bombs


Colorful Seed Bombs

rainbow seed bombs color combo

rainbow seed bombs color combo Source: website

seed bombs colorful balls handmade paper embedded

seed bombs colorful balls handmade paper embedded Source: website

seed bombs multiple colors ecopartytime

seed bombs multiple colors ecopartytime Source: website

Grow The Rainbow – Seed Balls & Wildflower Seed Bombs

Seedles is a small mom and pop operation run out of the San Francisco Bay Area. We buy our ingredients as locally as possible and support fair wages and good manufacturing practices. We believe you vote with your dollars and hope you take a chance today and try some Seedles seed balls. Read more…

Naturally Dyed Seed Bombs – Hobby Farms

What Are Seed Bombs? Tessa Zundel. The idea of a seed bomb is to encase hardy seeds, like herbs and wildflowers, inside a biodegradable shell, like paper or clay. Included with the seed is usually some compost or potting soil to help feed the seed as it sprouts. Read more…

How to Make Tissue Paper Seed Bombs – Do It Your Freaking Self

Tissue Paper Seed Bombs. Tissue Paper (1 sheet/bomb) Packages of Wildflower Seeds (1 small package makes about 2-3 bombs) Water Small bowls or plastic food containers (1 for each color bomb) Paper Towels or Cheesecloth Binder clips Blender or food processor. 1. Tear up your tissue paper. 2. Pour water over your tissue paper so that it is completely soaked. Read more…
