Power Of Planting A Seed


Power Of Planting A Seed

underestimate power planting seed

underestimate power planting seed Source: website

rayalaseema thermal power plant rtpp view youtube

rayalaseema thermal power plant rtpp view youtube Source: website

power planted seed im talking

power planted seed im talking Source: website

Never Underestimate the Power of a Seed | Preach It, Teach It

Seeds are planted, and topsoils of hurt are shoved away. Don’t forget the principle. Never underestimate the power of a seed. God didn’t. When his kingdom was ravaged and his people had forgotten his name, he planted his seed. When the soil of the human heart had grown crusty, he planted his seed. Read more…

The Power of a Seed

Take a seed the size of a freckle. Put it under several inches of dirt. Give it enough water, light, and fertilizer. And get ready. A mountain will be moved. It doesn't matter that the ground is a zillion times the weight of the seed. The seed will push it back. Every spring, dreamers around the world plant tiny hopes in overturned soil. Read more…

The Power Of A Seed – A Daily Devotional – The Recipe of Life

Or the mustard seed in today’s parable, that starts as the smallest seed but grows into the largest plant, so big that even birds can nest in its shade. Perhaps in your life, the seed that was planted in your hearts, may feel like it is fading away. But know this, that even the faith of a small mustard seed can move a mountain (Matt 17:20). Read more…
