Drop Seed Grass


Drop Seed Grass

prairie dropseed sporobolus heterolepis

prairie dropseed sporobolus heterolepis Source: website

prairie dropseed

prairie dropseed Source: website

prairie dropseed ornamental native grass sporobolus

prairie dropseed ornamental native grass sporobolus Source: website

Prairie Dropseed (Sporobolus heterolepis) : Prairie Nursery

The showiest prairie grass for gardens, Prairie Dropseed's magnificent fountain of fine textured, emerald-green leaves adds a touch of elegance to any planting. Considered by many to be the most handsome of the prairie grasses, it makes a well-defined and distinctive border when planted 18 to 24 inches apart. Read more…

Prairie Dropseed Facts – How To Care For Prairie Dropseed …

Prairie dropseed grass (Sporobolus heterolepis) is a North American native perennial bunch grass known for its bright green fine textured blades. Prairie dropseed plants sport airy pink and brown flowers in in late August through October. Their leaves turn an attractive orangey-rust mid-fall. Prairie dropseed plants love the sun. Read more…

Sporobolus heterolepis – Plant Finder

Sporobolus heterolepis, called prairie dropseed, is a clump-forming, warm season, Missouri native perennial grass which typically occurs in prairies, glades, open ground and along railroads throughout much of the State (Steyermark). This is a prairie grass that is native from Quebec to Saskatchewan south to Colorado, Texas and Connecticut. Read more…
